Year 1


Mrs Jesch and Miss Wilkes welcome you to the Year 1 page,

Here you will find information about our both of our classes, useful resources and ideas to help with your child’s learning and information surrounding the topics being covered. Linked below are the ‘curriculum overview’ and ‘crucial knowledge’ documents for year 1. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the year 1 team.

Meet the Team

Mrs Jesch – I have been teaching for 14 years at Bursley, across key stages and EYFS. 

Miss Wilkes – Over the past few years, I have worked and trained in various schools across the Midlands and have taught at Bursley for just over a year.

Our Curriculum

Whilst in year 1, children experience a wide range of subjects in which they develop their subject-specific skills and learn the crucial knowledge developed for the topics. An overview of the topics and the relevant crucial knowledge can be found below. This will help you to further your child’s learning at home, through questions and discussion. The environment in which children work is conducive to their learning and helps to support their progress. Children have access to a wide range of resources within lessons as well as an outdoor area in which they can learn.

Physical Education: PE will take place every Monday & Thursday for Miss Wilkes' class and Tuesday & Wednesday for Mrs Jesch's class. The children need to come to school in their PE kits on these days and it can be worn all day (no need for changing). Hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed at home.

PE kit: plain jogging bottoms (no zips/logos) or shorts and a plain white. Please ensure that children have trainers. As PE sessions may take place outside, jumpers and tracksuits bottoms will also be needed.

Phonics and Reading:

Phonics plays a key role in year 1 teaching. The children will have daily phonics sessions to help them to read and write. Reading books will be matched to your child’s phonics ability. In addition, a ‘reading for pleasure’ book will be selected by the child to help develop their love of reading.

Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Children will take part in three reading sessions every week. Please continue to support us by reading at home –please write in their reading diary each time that they read. Reading diaries will be checked and books changed on a Wednesday. The school homework policy outlines that children should read at least 3 times per week outside of school.


Children are expected to complete a piece of homework every week. Their learning logs will contain all of the relevant information regarding their tasks. A piece of reading homework should be selected from the menu. This is compulsory. Additionally, children may choose to complete an optional piece of homework linked to the foundation subjects and topics covered in school that half term. Spelling of tricky words, linked to phonics, will be stuck in to learning logs on a weekly basis.

Useful Websites

Maths -

Maths/English Games –

Phonics –

Other Notices

Water bottles: Children will need to bring a named water bottle to school every day. Water bottles will be sent home to be washed and returned daily.

Labelled uniform: Please ensure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled to minimise the amount of lost property.
