Year 6
Welcome to our Year 6 page,
Meet the Team
Mr Bond - I have been a teacher at Bursley for seven years and have taught KS2 for this time. I am the computing coordinator and run the gardening club for the school.
Miss N Bentley
Mrs Beech - I have been a teaching assistant at Bursley for 20 years in KS2. You may also see me in the after school club, that I have managed for 29 years.
Our Curriculum
Children in years 6 experience a range of exciting subjects in which they learn crucial knowledge and develop subject skills. Children work within a highly stimulating and challenging environment and have opportunities to work both collaboratively and independently. Our lessons regularly benefit from the use of technology to enhance children’s learning and engagement. Every child in Year 5/6 has access to their own iPad, where they use a range of apps and software and are able research and present their work in creative ways.
Physical Education: PE will take place every Monday & Wednesday. The children need to come to school in their PE kits on these days and it can be worn all day (no need for changing). Hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed at home.
PE kit: plain jogging bottoms (no zips/logos) or shorts and a plain white. Please ensure that children have trainers. As PE sessions may take place outside, jumpers and tracksuits bottoms will also be needed.
Reading: Reading books and diaries need to be in school EVERY day as the children will be using them each day. Please continue to support us by reading at home –please write in their reading diary each time that they read. Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday. If your child has not read 3 x in a week then they will be expected to read for 15 minutes at lunch time.
Homework: Each week, children are expected to carry out the following tasks below in their learning log:
*Complete a different reading task from the menu, which will be sent home in their learning logs.
*Practise their times tables in a variety of ways.
*Learn the spelling pattern they are doing in class and practise their spellings.
*Additionally, they may wish to complete one of the optional tasks which are linked to their foundation learning.
Useful Websites (Times table practice) (Times table practice)
Other Notices
Water bottles Children will need to bring a named water bottle to school every day. Water bottles will be sent home to be washed and returned daily.