School Meals

At Bursley Academy we are very pleased to be using Chartwells to meet our catering needs. Chartwells love to encourage fun and experimentation at lunch times because as you’ll be well aware, primary school children are in their main development years and helping them make the best choices and broadening their food experiences is so important. Everyday they strive to create the most tasty meals, that are nutritionally balanced and compliant with School Food Standards.

The current cost of a school lunch is £2.89 (payment is made via Parentpay) however pupils in KS1 (Infants) are entitled to a lunchtime meal free of charge.

All pupils are asked to select their choice of meal at registration time. Children may wish to bring a healthy mid-morning snack.

Free School Meals (FSM)

Although children in key stage 1 automatically receive a free school dinner it is important that if you are eligible you still apply to the Free School Meals section as the school will receive additional funding known as Pupil Premium.

It is simple to check if you are eligible by following the link below or simply pop into the school office where Mrs Verdiani will help you to complete the form on-line.

Apply for Free School Meals

If you have any queries regarding this please do not hesitate to contact the school office.